We discussed brand recognition in our last article. We will continue to talk about improving product concept testing from consumer feedback on your products.


Product Concept Testing II


Let’s continue with the herbal tea example. We would like to determine which concepts are more applicable and attractive to the younger generation. We can start the research with the consumers by combining the methodologies of Frequently Used Market Research Types.


Consumer Demand Scenarios

What are the exact reasons and situations causing people to buy herbal tea instead of others? For example, is the hot weather a factor? Or do people consider this drink when they eat hot pot or spicy food? What’s the frequency with which people in these scenarios order herbal tea? We need to fix these issues when we do qualitative research.


Product Concept Testing in Multiple Channels

To figure out how consumers purchase products, you need to understand buyer purchase behavior. You can start by analyzing your competitors’ strategies. Do the buyers prefer to buy online or offline? Which channel or method is more likely to encourage viral marketing? How do the final buyers get to know the promotion information? (eg. ads, exhibitions, referrals, etc.) What are the considerations by making a purchase decision? Any concerning factors? How about the pipeline for the overall conversion process?


Competitors’ User Feedback

The feedback from using competitors’ products is super valuable. You can better understand the specific factors driving the whole market. Feedback about the package description, design, or drink flavor can guide the overall product design, pricing, and positioning.


Reasons Behind the Success Vs. Failure

There will always be some factors affecting consumer decisions during the whole purchase process. The “Yes” decisions can be the price, package, or flavor. Someone will even purchase it because they enjoy showing off the beautiful product photos on social media. The reason for “No” decisions could also be various. For example, it could be an issue if people disagree that herbal tea can benefit one’s health and believe, instead, that it damages one’s health. If so, the campaigners have to re-define the messages they can deliver.